
How to Prepare for Sealing your Pavers

The first step is to determine what you want to accomplish with sealing of your pavers. Are you looking for color enhancement, which is typically a darker, richer color for the pavers? Are there uneven or loose pavers? Are the pavers dirty or are there stains or other discolorations on the pavers? Let’s start with … Read more

Discovering the Biggest Benefits of Fleet Kleen Power Washing in Sarasota

Power washing is an effective way to address several home exterior problems that come from mold, algae, debris, pests, and a bunch of other nuisances. If you haven’t done it in a while, take an inventory of your windows, siding, driveways, roof, and other outdoor fixtures. Below are some of the best reasons to get pressure washing service from the pros at Fleet Kleen.

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Clean First, Seal Second

We’ve placed a lot of emphasis on our paver sealing operations lately because it’s so valuable for preserving exterior surfaces. However, it’s also vital to do all the routine cleaning and preparation before getting a major sealing project. Those two components combine to form a winning strategy for a longer paver life expectancy.

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The Importance of Paver Sealer

Paver sealing is so important, especially as we change seasons and experience different molds and algae proliferate all around us. It’s critical to get those kinds of organisms and substances off your siding, roof, and gutters and completely out of your exterior walkways like your patio. We’ve talked about paver sealing a lot lately, but this time we want to go slightly further to explain its full importance.

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