Discover the Biggest Benefits of Power Washing in Sarasota

What are the biggest benefits of power washing? Here at Fleen Kleen Pressure Washing and Paver Sealing, we identify several terrific reasons why it is totally worth your while to get power washing done on your house’s exterior. Here’s a quick summary of what power washing can do for you:

Power Washing

Protect Your Home From Damage

It’s not just an aesthetic problem when your siding gets filthy. Harmful substances like mold, algae, and mildew can damage things and even spread to the inside (becoming a health problem).

Save Time & Money

If you can avoid those damages, you’ll save money not having to replace items. It’s that simple.

Prepare For Other Projects

Let’s say you wanted to paint your home. Trying to paint over dirt, grime, and other deformities will not work well. You’ll want to power wash it before painting or doing any number of repair jobs.

Increase Curb Appeal

Most homeowners want to take pride in their home. It’s hard to do this if you haven’t made it as beautiful (and clean) as you possibly can. Your neighbors will thank you for this as well since everybody wants to live in a clean neighborhood.

Increase Home Value

According to The National Association of Realtors, power washing your home could increase its value by $15,000!

So, if you’re a homeowner looking to boost the value of your room, prep for a new outdoor renovation, or simply avoid the harmful effects of moldy siding, what’s stopping you from getting your home power washed by a professional?

Fleet Kleen is just the crew to do this for you. We’ve recently been named a 2021 Neighborhood Favorite by Nextdoor ! Whether you’re a homeowner or a commercial real-estate owner, we can get your property sparkling like new. The equipment we use for professional power washing is much different than doing this by yourself. Since 2018, we’ve even used drones to do the toughest cleaning jobs. Fleet Kleen wants you to learn more about power washing and judge the finished results for yourself. Check out this video on power washing for more information.

If you have any questions or inquiries, we’re more than happy to hear from you. Feel free to call us over the phone at 941-723-0086 or fill out the form below. Our normal business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. We also do service by appointments on Saturday. Contact us today to find out how we can spruce up your home with professional cleaning!